Square foot gardening at home..1st time!


Staying healthy is not always easy or cheap. Last year I was part of a community garden where I learned about square foot gardening and it was great. The only problem I had with it was I lived over 20 mins away and it wasn’t always profitable for me to just run in and water plants and then drive back. So this year I decided to do my own square ft gardening at home. I put it in the front yard right by our deck. From the picture above I have already got some plants going!


In square ft gardening you put certain plants together in a small place where normally you wouldn’t and use the vertical space more than in a traditional garden. For example in the this picture. I have it against my deck and the plants will be cucumbers and different types of squashes. Though these plants normally spread out I am going to have them climb up instead of out( or so I hope).


In the front rows will be more plants that do not need vertical space. In this picture shows the early start of radishes, you can plant up to 12 in one square! but not all of mine have popped up lol, but some are so I am happy. I am also doing onions, spinach which they say you can do four in a square, parsley which is two and carrots which also can be 9-12 in a square. Not all have popped up yet and some I am wondering they will ever, but you will see plenty of pictures of my success and I’m sure some failures.

But there is nothing like watching things pop up out of the garden and know you’re doing something good.